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Aerial Hoop

Want to learn the art of the circus?

Then come to our Aerial hoop Classes.

Learn amazing tricks, drops and improve your strength!

Hoop Classes

Our aerial hoop classes are mixed ability

We do teach a set syllabus, but not to a specific week - so you can progress in a way that works for your body and strength.


Each class you will have a warm-up, shown some movements, combos or a sequence on the hoop. Then some strength and conditioning for your upper body, abs and legs as needed. Followed by a cool down.


We recommend to wear leggings for class and to cover your belly as the hoop can cause friction burn. Your hands will be sore after the first few sessions, this will lessen as you progress.


Over the knee socks or knee pads can also provide extra padding, your backs of knees will be sensitive and prone to bruising when you start.

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How To Book

To book into a class, you can purchase:

Monthly Membership £55

A 4 pack £70

Single Class £18


No current hoop classes (apologies)


If you want to try before booking, keep a look out for our new taster dates. We post these on our social media platforms - Facebook and Instagram.


We will be looking at future dates to add to our timetable - please drop us a message if you are interested so we can keep you updated

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